代写SSUD13-311 Structural Engineering代写
代写SSUD13-311 Structural Engineering代写
SSUD13-311 Structural Engineering
Assignment 1
This assignment is aimed at getting you to better understand and interpret structures in the builtenvironment.
This assignment will require you to study and interpret a completed structure of your
choosing. The structure must feature a sufficient number of structural elements and connections that
enable all of tasks listed below to be adequately addressed. A partially constructed structure may also be
considered providing that the assignment tasks can be addressed. The structure may represent any field
(i.e. cultural and educational buildings, houses, public buildings & offices). Some possible examples of
structures include:
• Domestic timber-framed building
• Concrete or steel traffic/pedestrian bridge
• Steel-framed industrial building/hanger
• Timber or steel shelter/viewing platform
• Multi-residential development
• Multi-level carpark
Ensure that the entire structure can be viewed and/or interpreted. Also ensure that individual
connections can be considered in detail. Try to understand why the structure has the form it has –
consider not only the final form but how the structure was built and how this influences the completed
The tasks are as follows:
1. Annotate diagrams of the structure showing load paths for permanent (dead) and imposed (live)
loads. Indicate the transfer of wind loads to elements that transfer this type of load to the
footing system.
2. Assess the choice of structural materials – discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
3. Describe the principal structural system (i.e. load-bearing form) adopted for the structure.
Discuss why this system may have been chosen.
4. Identify the span of various elements within the structure, i.e. roof members/columns/floor
5. Identify any elements where axial forces will be experienced and detail the load transfer
6. Annotate diagrams of the structure to describe in detail the stability/bracing system.
7. Choose a structural member that is subject to a bending action – indicate regions of
compression and tension.
8. Describe any geometrical constraints to the structure and how these would have influenced the
final design
9. Examine a critical connection detail, describing detailed force transfer through the joint.
10. Sketch the type of foundation system that would most likely have been adopted to support the
structure at ground level.
There is a word limit of 1500 words and the assignment must include an appropriate number of photos,
sketches and diagrams to help answer the above items.
Due Date – Friday, 7th October at 4pm
Method of delivery – hardcopy to assignment box in the faculty of Society and Design building – Level 2
Please note that you will need to submit the assignment with a copy of the faculty cover sheet
This project is weighted at 25% of the overall course mark.
代写SSUD13-311 Structural Engineering代写